Thursday, March 02, 2023

Be Afraid, Please

Wednesday's Bad Batch was a sequel to one of my very least favourite stories of The Clone Wars. So I didn't enjoy it very much, though some of the setup at the beginning of the episode was an Alien pastiche that conjured some genuine dread.

Of course, Clone Wars has also done an Alien pastiche, the effective season one episode, "Lair of Grievous". Wednesday's Bad Batch more directly copied the Nostromo and some of the opening shots of the empty cockpit from Ridley Scott's movie.

But then it became that stupid Godzilla pastiche again with the Zillo beast. I can remember the profound disappointment at seeing lightsabres were ineffective against the giant sock puppet. But Dave Filoni is a kaiju stan and I think those folks must exist in a pretty airtight fantasy that thoroughly convinces them that anything remotely resembling Godzilla will strike awe into the viewer.

Unfortunately, for the rest of us, it's just lame. And I liked the first Godzilla.

The ongoing plot about the Emperor's cloning projects is interesting. I guess they're going the long way to finally explain Palpatine showing up in Rise of Skywalker. Though I heard this might be leading up to the revelation that Grogu is a clone of Yoda.

The troopers in this episode wear some really daring necklines.

The Bad Batch is available on Disney+.

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