Friday, April 28, 2023

Back Down the Spiral

I've been without Internet for two days because I was uploading a video to YouTube. It's an update and expansion on my 2008 analysis of Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo, you can see it here:

This wi-fi I have doesn't seem to like me uploading large files. It slows to a crawl whenever I upload a YouTube video and I'm unable to use the Internet for anything else while it's uploading.

It was in preparation for the video that I read Laura Mulvey's essay again. I'd read it back in 2008, too, and both times I expected to refer to it and never did. It's just not very good and has nothing particularly interesting to contribute to the conversation on Vertigo or anything else, it just creates some new jargon for already established concepts.

This afternoon, I spent a few hours in the art club where I teach. There's a really nice new crop of first year students who are all eager to spend that time drawing. It felt like heaven to-day.

Twitter Sonnet #1692

An even joint has split the arm to three.
A knowing cloud mistook the sea for ground.
A mind of wasps absorbed a lonesome bee.
Abruptly woods consumed a frantic sound.
The final card portrayed a lady's face.
Exact bananas cut tarant'la's U.
With expert care, the clinic grew apace.
A rainy day became distracting blue.
The waiting spiral held the cage in air.
A broken disk arrived at home to break.
Mistaken feet were glued to ev'ry stair.
And now a worthy tongue will speak for steak.
The spinning day concludes but hours late.
Magnetic sand debased the villain's slate.

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