Yesterday I watched Bill Murray on Joe Rogan:
It seems one major takeaway from the election is that Joe Rogan is the man now. He's the kingmaker, he's certainly replaced Howard Stern. This Bill Murray interview already has more than 1.5 million views and that's not counting people who just listen to the podcast. I also watched his interview with Elon Musk. I can dig what they're saying about getting rid of empty bureaucracy and counterproductive DEI programmes but I can't accept Rogan or Musk or Trump as agents of the truth when Trump's obvious pandering to Russia isn't even part of their reality. Rogan and Musk laugh about how claims of Trump's collusion with Russia were obvious fraud. Were they, though? And if Rogan can't even admit the possibility, how am I supposed to trust him as some kind of dedicated truth teller?
Anyway, the Bill Murray interview was good. Murray seems to be speaking from a bygone perspective, recalling his work practices in the '70s and '80s where he could really get along with most people so long as they didn't start talking about politics. It was nice listening to his recollections about Hunter S. Thompson and hearing Murray and Rogan talking about Steve McQueen.
Murray's been making the interview rounds on major talk shows and he's appearing in three upcoming movies. He was also on the recent Saturday Night Live anniversary show. All this is less than a year since he was excluded from press junkets for Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire because he was supposedly cancelled. Is that over now? I guess for people whose popularity isn't dependent on one political side. Folks like Neil Gaiman and Joss Whedon aren't so lucky. Whedon basically got cancelled for being rude. The claims against Gaiman are extremely thin and sketchy to anyone who actually reads through them. You have to start to wonder if they got cancelled because they did something amoral or because they didn't do something amoral. But we're not supposed to think about conspiracies.
X Sonnet 1923
Another turn reveals a Christmas ball.
It's trapped in spring as though a frozen fish
Had eaten up the cheer the locals call
A holiday for falling grades of wish.
No study time could meet the needs of lunch.
An empty stomach shades the day to night.
For after dawn, the dreams become a hunch.
For ev'ry wrong, we think another right.
Gorilla blankets change the shapes of men.
And now the human race is naught but fat.
Impossible to swim the lake of gin
We opt instead to cross the carbo vat.
For all the pain, we hope to gain a crumb.
But morning renders Bach and Wagner dumb.
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