In the dream before that, I was meeting someone who represented the opposite side of a conflict to a side I represented. They were in a huge, glass cafeteria and I was walking across Rohan, from The Lord of the Rings, to get there. But it was taking a really long time because I was being led by K-9 from Doctor Who.
In "Meglos", the Doctor Who serial I finished watching a couple days ago, I read in the Wikipedia entry that one of the guest stars only agreed to appear on the condition that he be allowed to kick K-9. I also read that the new show runner hated K-9, and it's bothered me seeing the little guy so abused all season, breaking down in just about every serial now. I didn't like K-9 at first, either, but he really grew on me. He seems so content in a role to just please his friends as best he can.
Otherwise, I liked some aspects of "Meglos", but mostly it felt oddly rushed. The whole problem of the civilisation mistrusting the Doctor seemed resolved rather quickly and pointlessly. It's like the characters were just given busy work. Boy, I miss Douglas Adams.
Of course, I recognised Jacqueline Hill right away--here playing a priestess, but I'd first seen her as Barbara, one of the first Doctor's first companions. I was rather frustrated seeing her come back not as Barbara.
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