Thursday, March 03, 2022

Return of the Animals

Here's the first turtle of spring. The first one I've seen this year, anyway. This was about a week ago. A lot of animals are starting to show themselves.

Twitter Sonnet #1528

The lights on northern seas were bright alone.
Behind the rain, there danced a troupe of change.
The stars of ill repute have boiled bone.
The galley cake was crispy black and strange.
A cloud of cats contained a rain of claws.
The smi'ling will arose from fetid green.
Derangement cooks before the waiting jaws.
A deadly heat consumed the murder scene.
Bikini planets tie the side agreed.
The crossing voices glance above wall.
In ev'ry home a message dodged the feed.
A shiny spring returned the rusty fall.
The scrambled eggs returned to waiting shells.
A summer sound was snuffed submerging bells.

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