Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Thanks for All the Chicken

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone, though I guess it's still Tuesday right now in much of the U.S. It's Wednesday here in Japan as I write this, just after 11am. To-day's Labour Day in Japan, so I get the day off, so I guess I'll celebrate Thanksgiving to-day. I don't know if it's possible to get turkey around here. The reason, according to legend, KFC is so popular during Christmas in Japan is because some Americans visiting Japan in the '70s ate at a KFC when they couldn't find turkey. I think the real reason is actually KFC's really successful ad campaign from the '70s or '80s but turkey is really hard to find here. I've never seen it in the supermarket, anyway. What I'd really like to find is some nice big American pumpkins. People here are content with the little green Japanese pumpkin.

Here's a picture from the art club at the school I currently work at:

I drew the sombre Mario and Luigi for some reason, students added the red to their noses and faces and other embellishments. I don't know who Tamaki or Tamatyan is but he's evidently someone's favourite character.

Twitter Sonnet #1644

A mild jungle walk exhibits cats.
Provided droopy suns could keep it fresh.
Assessing human thought, the creature chats.
The grain demands another day to thresh.
The eager orc was only slowing life.
A science snared the name of witch for gold.
A mountain yields again the mental knife.
The Martian young defied the Earthling old.
A swirling fire bounced to van of chump.
Advancing men were making pipes to clean.
We never built a bilge without a pump.
A likely ear discerned the book of bean.
The bigger bird would break the eastern chair.
The danger lay in flying mammal air.

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