Friday, October 08, 2021

Spider Sports

This big lovely lady and her progeny have had their massive webs spread over my balcony for about a month now. And you can see they barred plenty of bugs from entry into my apartment. Looks like they even stopped a wasp.

Here they are in the morning sunshine.

The spider population has appropriately increased with the onset of autumn. If only the days were getting cooler. I took part in the sports festival for the first year students on Thursday and the poor kids had to play for four hours in direct sunlight. It got up to 32 Celsius. But they were genki, giving it their all in tugs of war, relay races, and tamaire.

I'm discovering Azumanga Daioh is pretty true to life. I can't find subtitled versions of episodes on YouTube but I tried YouTube's auto-translate in the settings to-day for the first time. It's about as hilariously useless as you might expect:

"It's been unbelievable since I put it in Bulma after gymnastics", "Rar car ah", "It's okay to invert it, so it's okay, so it's okay", and "Pyaa I love you and do my best It's a," are some of the handy phrases YouTube renders from the Japanese.

Twitter Sonnet #1480

With random milk, create the double cheese.
Dismantled sweets disperse as cubic grains.
The random dots combine to seem as bees.
The squinting man adjusts his tightened Hanes.
Gorilla bathes would slosh the wine abroad.
Another tea could tip the raft to Hell.
A modern phone was all electric sod.
A message moves by cord and paper bell.
Some leaves of green would buy a better end.
Escape was planned behind the metal fence.
The colour stripes desist around the bend.
The frank transmission bleeds too much to mince.
A friendly silk condemns the busy specks.
A spider hand's produced from waxy decks.

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