Saturday, September 03, 2022

Why Waste Zombies?

Zombies spoil the party for gangsters and mercenaries, but then they turn the tables on the undead in 2014's Zombie Fight Club (屍城 "Corpse City"). It's cheap, derivative, and very trashy. But kind of fun.

The characters speak English and Chinese, about fifty percent of the time for each, with no explanation. The real life explanation is that the movie stars two Chinese Americans, Andy On and his wife, Jessica Cambensy. I don't think they know much if any Chinese.

Andy On is definitely the talent in this movie and his martial arts skills surpass everything else. Certainly the special effects, the writing, and the performances. If you think She-Hulk has bad cgi, you should see the cartoon blood splatters and explosions in this movie.

Andy On plays a mercenary also named Andy who goes in with a squad to bust up a ring of young gangsters. Meanwhile, we watch the douchy guys partying with an ever increasing number of indistinguishable, frighteningly skinny, party girls who spend the movie whining and screaming. The girls in this movie make Willie Scott look like Rambo, and that goes for Jessica Cambensy, too, who plays a gangster's girlfriend named Jenny. They're all really annoying and depressing.

The first half of the movie takes place in one apartment building as the zombie apocalypse begins. The second half skips over a few years to when we find Andy and Jenny now prisoners and forced to compete against zombies in a gladiator arena.

It's all presided over by a wealthy man who keeps a group of dominatrices (who act more like subs) and his zombified daughter, much like the Mayor on Walking Dead.

Sometimes this movie rises to the level of a fun exploitation film.

Zombie Fight Club is available on Shout Factory.

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