Thursday, March 07, 2024

Tech Talk with Setsuled

Yesterday felt like the god of technology, I guess Vulcan, was doing mischief with me. I had to take an online language test called PROGOS for my company, B*********. Unsurprisingly, it's sketchy as hell. It uses Cambridge score rankings but is not certified by or affiliated with Cambridge and was made in Japan. The test results included numerous spelling and grammatical errors; "Can give clear, detailed descriptions, highlight significant point", "To point out mistakes and other isues," Which is no surprise since the test is instantaneously graded by an AI. I scored "B2" in everything (the Cambridge scale goes A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 with C2 being the highest) except "Interaction" in which I scored a B1. Interaction consisted of me responding to recorded prompts like, "What documents should I bring to my interview?" My microphone was crapping out half the time due to my lousy internet so I'm sure that was also a factor. Not that it matters to an AI. But, hey, at least no filthy human was paid to grade the test. Every time I think Japanese English education can't get more tragically ridiculous, it finds a way to surprise me.

After that, I decided to make some blueberry muffins. I put copious amounts of cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and nutmeg in the batter along with a whole lot of brown sugar. I made enough for twelve muffins but my tray only holds six at a time. Smoke started coming from my convection oven when I was preheating it so I turned it off, unplugged it, let it cool, and cleaned it as best as I could, figuring some bit of food got caught somewhere. It seemed to work better so I put the tray in. In less than ten minutes, it was emitting smoke again and the six would-be muffins had become charcoal. So now I guess I need a new convection oven.

Finally, I decided to relax and play Skyrim. Unfortunately, I've hit a point which often seems to happen when I get a character to around level 40--my rickety scaffold of various mods destabilises and shit starts to fuck up. Which can be a little amusing. I was fighting two dragons and one of them got his tail stuck in a frozen lake and couldn't move. When I got his hitpoints down to zero, he didn't die. When I hit him again, his hitpoints refilled for the amount of damage I did. From then on, striking him with my ebony flail while my follower threw ice shards at him had the effect of gradually healing him.

Maybe all this will work as preemptive penance. My internet is running uncommonly smooth this morning. It probably just means all the hidden cameras are off in my apartment. That's enough, Vulcan, can I get another deity?

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