Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Second Time

I'm not exactly sure why Michael Keaton looks different in these trailers to how he looked in the original film. Maybe it's just that he's skinnier.

I'm looking forward to the movie, I guess, despite the fact that its writers come from Wednesday. I liked Jenna Ortega on that show but I'm not getting any strong vibes from her character in this movie so far.

Tim Burton's changed so much as a director since the first movie, generally to seem more tired and less passionate a filmmaker. But I'll be happy to hear that Danny Elfman score and I'm sure Keaton will give a good performance. The first movie is kind of unique and did such a good job of creating a sense of a world. I'm glad to see they've apparently gone back to the same town which was so integral to the first film's flavour.

I fell asleep last night trying to watch David S. Goyer's The Unborn. I don't generally consider jump scares something that makes or breaks a horror movie, mostly because they're cheap, but it's kind of fascinating that Goyer's instinct for jump scares is so weak. Not one of them landed, hence me falling asleep. Maybe I don't give jump scares enough credit.

X Sonnet #1846

The jungle breeds an agile blonde for trees.
No horse could pass the zebra gate with paint.
Delicious days were like a cake of cheese.
The mad flamingo's cry was passing faint.
Inviting ghosts detained a drinking pair.
A morning beauty saw no sign of clothes.
A sleepy bar was open late to care.
An early building claim its right to prose.
Repression cast potato chips for lunch.
As growing fields demand a muffin, cook.
There's stuff to make a pastry sing a bunch.
So gather all the sugar at the brook.
Demand for stone secured the creek's support.
Recycled ghouls confirmed the ghost's report.

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