Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Mae and Osha, Running Through the Forest

We were treated to about 25 minutes of new Acolyte last night, the new Star Wars show nearly everyone seems to hate. I'm a little surprised by that. Putting aside politically motivated critics, I suspect a lot of people are taking out their anger at Ahsoka on The Acolyte. I truly feel like The Acolyte is a better series. Sure, the writing is full of problems but at least the dialogue doesn't drop lines dull as lead at a snail's pace.

The fourth episode, "Day", was made by a team of unknowns--director Alex Garcia Lopez and writers Claire Kiechel and Kor Adana. Kor Adana really sounds like a Star Wars name. I wonder if it's a pseudonym.

I'm feeling more and more certain my prediction was accurate that adult Mae is actually a subconscious Force projection of Osha's. The Jedi deduce Mae was trained by a Jedi from analysing footage of her fighting. I suppose that could mean her red lightsaber wielding master was trained by Jedi. But something about Osha's reluctance to help the Jedi find Mae and the fact that Osha has difficulty using Force powers makes the Force Projection Theory seem more likely. There's also the fact that, as children, Osha and Mae were played by different actresses and as adults they're the same actress.

I'm apparently not alone in thinking Qimir, Mae's sidekick played by Manny Jacinto, is secretly her master. I am enjoying Jacinto's performance.

A lot of people are saying the show breaks canon because of the introduction of a Sith character in a period in which the Jedi were supposed not to have encountered any Sith for a very long time. I feel like there are a lot of outs for that, though. What exactly makes a Sith? A red lightsaber and a bad attitude? Maybe there'll be a line like, "Wow, I'd have thought he's a Sith but he doesn't have the tattoo on his left thigh." Some excuse like that.

The Acolyte is available on Disney+.

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