Monday, June 03, 2024

Never Assume Catherine is Gone

Watching Twin Peaks last night, I got to thinking about how plausible Catherine Martell's posing as Mr. Tojamura could be. I watched episode 16 last night, a couple episodes after Laura's killer is revealed. A few episodes before that, Cooper remarks that he's only been in town for a few weeks. Web sites with timelines I check tell me Cooper arrived on February 24th, 1989 and the killer is caught in late March. So I would guess that from the time Catherine finds herself lost in the woods following the mill fire, she would have at best two weeks to put together the Tojamura persona.

Jerry Horne goes to Japan to check up on Tojamura's backstory. Ben mentions both Tokyo and Osaka. Tojamura passes the test. How could Catherine have managed to set all this up? The only plausible explanation I can see is that she already had contacts in Japan prior to the mill fire. Maybe the Tojamura plan was a scheme she always had in her back pocket in case of emergency.

Apparently almost no-one else in the cast was aware that it was Piper Laurie under the Tojamura makeup, though Peggy Lipton suspected it was Isabella Rosselini.

I wonder how the subplot was received in Japan. Supposedly Twin Peaks was popular in Japan but I've yet to meet anyone here who watched it. Only a couple of people I've spoken to have even heard of it. But that's kind of normal, people don't seem to like acknowledging memories of anything that happened more than twenty years ago.

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