Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Present President is Not the Future President

One good thing about Kamala Harris taking over the Democratic nomination is that she'll be able to beat Trump at a debate. Yes, odds are stacked well against her actually becoming president but the former prosecutor should have an easy time showing she has a better command of facts and logic than Trump. Sadly, with her reputation of political partisanship and lack of natural charisma, it's probably going to be like Hillary Clinton all over again. On the other hand, the 2016 race was very close and Clinton did win the popular vote.

I do think there's a chance Harris could win if focus could be placed on her greater competence. Biden's perceived incompetence and Trump's actual incompetence means we're coming out of eight years without a president everyone could agree on was basically qualified for the job. It's possible this issue could have better legs than woke-fatigue and the habitual, naked manipulations of the Left. Trump lies all the time but that tends to seem innocent next to the mass manipulations of media the Left perpetrates. Harris would do well if she can distance herself from that.

It is late in the game but three months is a long time in politics. A lot could still happen.

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