Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Come On, Feet

This is for a poster I put up around the school last week. I decided to host movie screenings after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays to increase student exposure to spoken English. Well, that's a respectable reason, but of course I mainly just want to share movies I love. This afternoon was the first session and, as I'd predicted, almost all the students who showed up were girls from the art club. Partly it's because they know me but it's also because art club is on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays while most of the other clubs are also on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

So for junior high school girls in an art club, what movie did I choose to show? Labyrinth. I feel in my bones, no other choice could likely be as perfect for the audience, especially considering most of the time they're compulsively drawing weird fantasy. I also felt no small pleasure knowing I was going to be introducing them to David Bowie. Maybe he can't hold a candle to BTS for many of them but I have to believe he had some effect.

They all watched silently except one girl who fidgeted the whole time. But even she didn't make too much noise. I love Japanese movie watching habits.

I only have an hour so I had to split the film in two parts. I think I pretty wisely cut it just before the scene with the headless creatures, clearly the weakest scene in the movie. When we resume next week (this Thursday is a holiday), I figure they'll stick with the film past the scene if they waited a whole week to see part two.

They said they liked it far and seemed like they meant it. I hope they're not just being kind to me but, hell, it means a lot that they showed up.

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