Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Thanksgiving Bourbon and Bearclaw

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. It's Labour Day here in Japan so I get the day off. I basically celebrated Thanksgiving last night. I roasted a chicken breast in my convection oven and drank some Wild Turkey. I always like to drink bourbon in autumn, I suppose because it pairs well with both Halloween and Thanksgiving. I bought a big bottle of Wild Turkey 101 at a department store. The regular supermarkets and drug stores here tend to carry only the 80 proof version and what the hell is even the point of that? Might as well buy Jack Daniels.

The Wild Turkey 101 was particularly tasty this year. Maybe it's my imagination but it seems to have more of a vanilla flavour than before. I hope it's not a sign of desperation they're pushing an 80 proof version and adding sweetener. Well, I have been enjoying it this year.

I couldn't decide on a Thanksgiving movie. I wanted to watch The Searchers but didn't feel like paying to rent it. Then I saw Paramount+ had Breakfast at Tiffany's filed in their holiday movies for some reason. So I watched that. Holly Golightly as portrayed by Audrey Hepburn remains one of the greatest characters in the history of cinema. It's more than just her iconic look. This woman who lives in a constant fear of settling seems so authentic, both for the writing and Hepburn's performance. What it has to do with Thanksgiving, I have no idea, unless it's the fact that breakfast is a meal?

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