Monday, August 05, 2024

How the 17th Century Continues to Shape Cuisine To-day

I did it! Damned near perfect approximations of Rubio's fish tacos. I finally got the corn tortilla right.

I made four but one of them broke. I realised after that I needed to fold them while they were still hot and slightly more pliant.

So what did I do differently? Firstly, I used no oil. It's just about a cup of masa harina, salt, and hot water.

At this point, I'd normally use a rolling pin but all the corn tortilla recipes I saw online said to use a tortilla press. I don't have one of those but I do have Stuart England, edited by Blair Worden.

Covering a period of English history from the reign of James I to Queen Anne, this fully illustrated hardback volume is useful to casual and serious students of English history alike. It's also perfect for pressing corn tortilla dough into perfectly round disks between cooking sheets.

They're delicious and fairly soft. So, muchas gracias, Blair Worden.

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