Monday, August 26, 2024

Spiders Surpass the Birds

This spider really goes with my boot. I didn't step on her.

This kind was new for me but I'm used to seeing lots of spiders around here as autumn approaches. I know I can't expect respite from this god damned heat any time soon, though, probably not 'til the end of October. It's funny how the weather app on my phone adjusts its predicted high temperatures every day. Yesterday it said it was going to be 31 Celsius to-day but it's already been revised up to 34 C (it feels a lot hotter thanks to the humidity). Next week is supposed to have days in the 20s. I'll believe that when I see it. I think these numbers are coming from averages from environmentally saner decades.

What else have I seen on the street lately? This poor bird:

I think he was flattened by a car and then snacked on by a cat or weasel. There are weasels around here! The little dickens are so cute but so fast, I haven't gotten a picture.

Some fast turtles got out of the way when I reached for my camera--except this lazy fellow:

Finally, I'm not gonna talk about the elephant in the park.

X Sonnet #1875

Domestic grains'll rule in absent state.
Imported beers deny to tongues a taste.
Creative doughs reward the eater's wait.
Digestion stalls for those who dine in haste.
Recursive Hells resurge to reap the new.
Designing dames determine dungeon maps.
Complete collections draw the craven crew.
Demonic daffodils devour saps.
The picture of a picture spun the paint.
Without a foot, the bird could safely land.
Above the swallow's head, the lass was faint.
The sky traverser's hatred spurned the sand.
The honest monster broke the witch's cage.
Computer books would fumble ev'ry page.

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