Sunday, August 11, 2024

Tennis and Cosplay

I've been having some vivid dreams lately. A few nights ago, I dreamt I was playing doubles tennis. It was me and a girl versus another girl and a guy. But after the girl on my team had to retrieve the ball from some shrubs, she switched sides, saying to me, "'Overwrought' is actually spelt 'o-v-e-r-o-r'." I tried to insist it actually wasn't but she went to the other side anyway and it was three against one.

Last night, I dreamt I was watching a comedy horror movie produced by and starring Jerry Seinfeld. Actually it was kind of an ensemble, sort of reminding me of Jim Jarmusch's Mystery Train in which the film cuts between multiple stories about different people in the same town. In the movie in my dream, there was a plot about Seinfeld trying to get to some kind of Stonehenge structure in the woods with beautiful autumnal leaves, there was a plot about kids doing some mischief in a parking lot, and there was a plot about a group of hardcore Fallout fans who'd turned an old warehouse into a Vault. They had their own homemade Vault suits and I think one of them was played by Jemaine Clement. They'd only been living in the "Vault" for a few weeks but there was a lot of funny business with them acting like they were out of touch with the modern world. Due to a mix-up, the warehouse regularly received deliveries from supermarket freight trucks. Despite all the comedy, the film actually had some scary moments and there was some real foreboding in Seinfeld's trip into the woods.

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