Monday, February 03, 2003

I am so sleepy. I really ought to go back to sleep, but I don't go back to sleep because I get to thinking about all the things I can get done to-day if I continue to stay awake.

I went to sleep at 6am so I really technically oughtn't stay up . . . I wanted to actually even go to bed earlier than 6am but I didn't--due to a combination of the fact that I just remembered I needed to complete a school assignment (I got to make a flyer for the school student creative writing/art journal for which I'm part of the editorial staff this semester) and the fact that I suddenly had an incredibly strong urge to make Chiana desktop schemes. I spent about an hour digging around the web for big, good quality Chiana pictures . . .

Maybe I shall go back to sleep . . . it'd only be healthy, after all.

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