Saturday, February 01, 2003

I woke up at about 9am and I felt like I when I turned on the computer I was going to see something upsetting.

But I didn't expect to read about the Columbia . . .

I don't really think about NASA very much. Although I've always been interested in the idea space travel. One of the places I most fondly imagine as being my future place of residence is a space station or a space craft that never enters earth's atmosphere.

It's always been a dream for me that's very removed from reality. Maybe that's why I don't think as much about the people actually trying to make it a reality.

That there are people out there whose objectives in life are things like expanding what the human race is, things like helping this species grow into something better . . . It's actually something that gives me hope.

I hope that these people did not lose their lives in a fruitless endeavour. I hope their dream continues to grow . . .

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