Wednesday, February 05, 2003

I had a lot of plans for Tuesday that just didn't happen because Tuesday was too quick for me.

I first woke up at around 10:30am because Trisa'd paged me, leaving a voice mail, asking me to call her back if I wanted to have lunch with her.

After ringing her six times, I finally gave up and went back to bed. I was still very, very sleepy, but couldn't sleep for a couple hours due to a leaf blower just outside my window. When I did finally get back to sleep, I didn't wake up again until around 5pm.

I had intended to get an oil change on Tuesday, and meant to go for that first thing.

But, naturally, there were a number of things that had to be done before the "first thing" . . .

There was breakfast, which I ate while my aunt and grandmother ate dinner at the same table. The meal concluded at around 5:40pm.

I then decided to shave, having not shaved for about three days. Finished that at around 6:10pm.

Decided I'd better check my e-mail and found that I had exactly 100 e-mails. Then I decided I wouldn't reply to any of them to-day, figuring it'd be best to let them percolate or something.

Found that a number of my messages had been replied to on CaitlĂ­n R. Kiernan's message board and replied to most of them . . .

. . . and by the time I was done with computer dealings, it was 7pm. And since I knew I wanted to see Buffy the Vampire Slayer at 8pm, I dully admitted defeat, decided I'd get the oil change on Wednesday, and instead used the hour gap to go out and buy a latte and a Morrissey CD.

Oh well. So much for my commitments to myself.

It was one of the best Buffy episodes I've seen in a while though, so at least I didn't feel cheated.

After that, I did a page for Doll Merchant, ate lunch and/or dinner, and am now about to work on my novel until sleep comes . . .

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