Thursday, April 22, 2004

Last night I watched Blossoms in the Dust. A movie flawed in a lot of ways. But I found it interesting that the opposition to Edna Gladys's (Greer Garson) proposal that the word "illegitimate" be removed from all birth certificates sounded precisely like the opposition to gay marriage to-day. They argued that if children were not recognised as illegitimate then it was cause terrible damage to the sanctity of the family and so forth. Really, it was very strange. Taking out a few lines relating specifically to the illegitimacy issue, much of the move's audio could be played to-day in Congress or the Supreme Court and not seem at all out of place. Hopefully this is a sign that opposition to gay marriage might one day seem as archaic as parents' opposition to their children marrying orphens.

Me? I oppose Thursdays.

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