Thursday, April 24, 2008

Among the changes on the college campus I've noticed is that there are a lot of trees missing. To-day I noticed the absence of one by the theatre building I remember looking at while listening to Sylvia Plath read her "On the Difficulty of Conjuring Up a Dryad" on my discman. Looks like it just got even harder, Sylvia.

It seems I got a 92 on the last in-class midterm. An improvement over the 87 of the last one, which goes to show, I think, it helps when you don't run out of time in mid-sentence. I still have the five page paper to write, and I'm almost a little disappointed because I seem to be on a real roll with my project right now. There're gorgon doodles in my notebook.

I also read John Dryden and Alexander Pope at Denny's for two hours last night. Just a nice, relaxing read like I haven't had in a while. Alexander Pope is quickly becoming one of my heroes.

Apparently, yesterday my comics gained a bunch of new readers from the place in Second Life where I go to play chess. Welcome. I hope you enjoy the things.

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