Tuesday, January 14, 2003

I was watching Trigger Happy TV and not laughing, which is odd as that show normally makes me laugh, when I saw Jennifer Polinsky.

This is the girl I mentioned seeing in a dream a few nights ago, incarcerated in a Buick.

Well, now I've just seen her in a commercial for Girls Show 'N Low.

Show 'N Low, it seems, is a sort of travelling car show, and Girls Show 'N Low is a combination of a Girls Gone Wild and video of cars at the show. If you should happen to see the commercial, Jennifer--or the girl I believe to be Jennifer (perhaps it's merely someone who looks exactly like her)--is the dark haired one happily slapping her bare thigh.

She looked happy so I suppose I needn't worry.

To-day I also finally got to see the first episode of Farscape. What an incredible show. How have I not noticed it for four years?

I purchased the Best of the First Season DVD collection to-day and I'm very happy I did.

I got it at the mall where I realised that I haven't really been going out very much lately. And when I do, it's to travel to distant malls for distinctly vacation-ish excursions.

I've decided that to-morrow I shall go to some non-regular coffee place and write.

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