Friday, January 31, 2003

Writing a character in my novel now that I created in Junior High. He was the main character in the first novella I completed in High School--I should say my first real concerted work of fiction I completed all on my own, for myself.

That novella's got a lot of flaws. I certainly wouldn't try to sell it, and I'd probably only let someone I really trust read it, but I've never stopped liking the character, and for all of that novella's flaws, I never felt like he did anything wrong, as a character.

The problem I have with that novella has mainly to do with its other characters, who I felt were a bit flat, and the story's frenetic--in a bad way--pace.

I've improved, I'm happy to say. Some might disagree. But I pretty strongly feel that I've a more natural narrative voice and that my characters seem more complex . . .

Anyway. This character.

It's weird writing him again, mostly because it feels so easy. Like putting on an old outfit and finding it fits perfectly. I wonder if a part of our brain is hardwired with a character, once we've spent enough time with him or her?

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