Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Well, well, well. Here's the naughty Mister Setsuled, skulking back to his blog. What have you been up to my boy? What have you been doing?

Monday was an eventful evening. Following a class session where a story I liked got voted down because people can be stubborn and angry at things casually fantastic, Trisa and I went for dinner at a very good place. Here, I ate a tastey breakfast burrito that I would never eat for breakfast while listening to Trisa talk about her new job at Starbucks and her new, very good friend Anthony, with whom she has formed a sort of bond that I find somehow mysterious. From the sound of things, he is one wild and crazy guy, and maybe it's because most people I've met who've been described that way tend to strike me as being tedious that I'm so confused and stuff. But I've come to realise several times over the past several days that I'm something of a snob.

Later in the evening, I had a very constructive conversation with Cryptess and Richard on IRC, and we were later joined by Mel. Three folks I've known for a long time, talking with 'em in the olde fashion. Ah, it was fun. I should do it again, if I have time.

At the moment, though, I'm broke. So I'm giving Tim my last four dollars to take me to pick up some mail . . . so . . . au revoir.

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