Thursday, August 20, 2009

Dubious Conveyances

Last night's tweets;

There's always a forest lying in wait.
Headlights turn Alice's hair to bright fog.
Some video records preview man's fate.
The channel needs a serviceable cog.

Talking about a cog, the medieval sailing vessel, going across a channel like the English Channel. A reference to some ship in World of Warcraft I was on last night. I guess my sister's heading to BlizzCon to-morrow or the next day, where she's working as an attendant to a shuffleboard game, I think. Crazy shit us WoW-heads are into. Youths to-day are into extreme aging.

I was at my parents' house yesterday and saw that they've gotten a hybrid car. They name their cars, and my sister wanted to call it "Spock", but I think I've just about convinced them to call it "George Takei".

I'm starting to feel like a frightened animal on Facebook. Everything you do seems to ask if it's okay for some application to get access to yours and your friends personal information. And some things end up leaving weird messages on my "wall"--that is what it's called, right?--I didn't think I was bargaining for. I actually put my profile on "public" since the whole idea, if I ever get around to devoting time to it, was to find another outlet to promote my comic and the general grandness of "me". But it seems generally built for someone more hyperactively social than I am--I made a comment on Sara Benincasa's Facebook, and now I'm getting e-mail notifications for people who commented on the same topic--people that aren't even replying to me.

Anyway, it's the part of my social theoretical homunculus that gets the least love, neglected, shrivelling and bloodless. Nevertheless, please friend me.

I read about something called phone novels to-day--novels that are published in the format of text messages. Apparently they're big in Japan already, maybe it's a viable artistic medium, but mostly it seems like it'd to be for a somewhat shallow crowd-- like what the Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei episode I posted yesterday was poking fun at phone novel readers for being. I suppose a lot of the artforms enjoyed and respected nowadays were considered cheap and patently lowbrow in their infancy--like comic books and movies. Maybe I shouldn't judge until I've read one.

This bit from the Wikipedia entry strikes me as just ominous, though;

Cell phone novels create a personal space for each individual reader. Paul Levinson, in Information on the Move (2004), says "...nowadays, a writer can write just about as easily, anywhere, as a reader can read" and they are "not only personal but portable".

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