Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Bird Food

This is an earth worm I saw to-day;

Music by Nobuo Uematsu from the Final Fantasy soundtrack (the first one). I saw all kinds of things I normally don't see to-day as I went out almost as soon as I got up--I had so much to do outside the house to-day I decided to grab breakfast while I was out. Among other things, I bought a birthday present for someone--I feel like I've been locked in an era of birthdays. I didn't think I knew so many people.

I pencilled the last two pages of the next chapter of my comic to-day. I'm a bit behind on colouring, so I expect I'll be doing that all day to-morrow. This didn't stop me from looking to play chess last night. Here's Tou vamping while waiting for an opponent;

I played someone I'd never played before--I lost, of course. And it was another close game--it ended after two hours with both of us having a queen, a knight, and four pawns. That's the thing, I lose all the time, but it's always close. Which seems really improbable. At least I had the better avatar;

The other person was using a male avatar, which I'll never understand. While I'm posting pictures of Tou, here are some pictures I took of her dancing at a really nice looking mask shop called Illusions a while ago;

They sell really nice accessories, mostly masks. They're all over-priced, but I bought some antlers there I really like.

Twitter Sonnet #180

Cathedral columns in pants move shadows.
Burnt bee eyes glower beneath mantle hood.
Violets splatter over bone white meadows.
Ingrown petals stab the deep buried good.
Cats leash wired humans for liberty.
Cell phone veins are anti-feline agents.
Noon secretly shows up at ten thirty.
Flightless birds are bandwidth baron regents.
Tetris curtains collapse in safe stone slime.
Cables open the red fly's abdomen.
Burrito creatures are gagged with a lime.
A lotto blender sucks in a human.
Underground copter blades dig a tower.
Inverted stones seep a molten shower.

And here's last night's spider in my bathroom;

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